Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 28, The Finale

Well, I guess I should close this out before the next chapter entitled "Home, new experiences" takes hold. Truly this has been a great experience both from a learning curve standpoint and from an attitude and awareness concern.  Its been all about me, for the first time in an incredibly long time.   I truly appreciate all the emails, comments, notes, semaphore signals, and telepathy sentiments that you all have given forth.  It has really been overwhelming and was never expected, but oh so supportive and energizing.  I'm probably going to close this chapter of the blog to compartmentalize it a bit for my future auto-biography on what not to do for yourself, but I may pick it up in a weekly form to keep those interested apprised of my progress.  I can't believe some of you want this to continue, so I will find a happy medium!  I've had well over 2000 page views during the month and I am staggered by this.

Today I had my last 3 egg white omelet with cheddar and spinach from the men and women behind the counter.  As much as I've made fun of the nursing home cafeteria, I think I will miss having 3, very square meals, prepared for me seven days a week.  There is something a little bit luxurious about triangle trays and all.  The way they have you plan your menus a week ahead of time, and in calorie counting scrutiny, meal by meal, has been incredibly helpful to illustrate some of the freedoms that I allowed myself in the past, and where I need to be now that I'm back out in the jungle.
As few of us as there were left today, we all sat at the same big, long can picture mealtime at Hogwarts in Harry Potter.  Very similar.  But it does help to bind the group together.

The water volleyball has grown in popularity while I've been here too.  We've had 10-14 people playing both days this last weekend, which is a decent chunk of the remaining inmates and a little unusual.  I'm confident that the teams will stay strong and enthusiastic without me...sniff.  We played five games and I think we all passed pruney after game number two.  It was a perfect day, we opened the roof, and it was just nice to have fun with no pressure to be anywhere.  I got out of the pool, went to the hot tub for a while, then had a steam before my shower.  I think I was trying to hang on as long as I could. I was bored by the sauna will have to wait until next time.  The inevitable came, and once I was re-formatted, I had to empty my locker, which felt kind of cold. 

12 of us ate lunch around someones iPhone watching the big man comic (name I can't remember) give his routine.  It was a funny routine and it was great to laugh together.  I could not help myself in noticing the irony of the big people watching the big comic making fun of big people.  I'm sure you know whom I am speaking of...does a lot of self deprecating humor...funny and sad at the same time.  He got us going though, and it was a great way to say goodbye, laughing.  Not too much fanfare in departing otherwise, but still sad to go.

Thanks again to all for your support.  I'm packing as I type, which is a trick for sure...on the road home in the morning. 


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