Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 17 already?

Today kicked my ass.  It was a very full and active day for me.  I think I was trying to make up for the lost day yesterday, although, it will be my one day off as I plan on chugging through. 

Split my time on the treadmill and the Nu-step today.  Sweaty and new mantra.
Next for today was my weekly medical check in.  Thankfully, without the audience this time, although I had prepared remarks just in case.  I would have been funny.  As many of you may have heard (I've been stoked since this morning) I've lost 17 lbs in sixteen days.  I'm on a roll.  I know the big numbers will be harder to come by going forward, but this news really got me revved up and energized me.  I went and did the water aerobics class again.  I survive this class like an old pro now....I don't drown nearly as often, but I still get a strong workout to where I'm huffing and puffing.  This is the first time I doubled up on a workout class especially within hours of each other.  There's probably something in the stupidity rulebook that I didn't read, as I'm sure I will pay for this tomorrow....but I'm still not done.  Immediately after WA, I was invited to join a smaller group for water volley ball.  At least I could touch the bottom for this one.  Holy cow.  These people are serious about their water volley ball.  I got a whole additional hour of water time playing vball.  It was cool, because the roof over the pool opens up and it was close to 75 here today.  It was just nice to be playing in the fresh air.

Classes were light today.  We had an informal "meet the expert" with the nutritionist as a group.  I find these helpful times to go back and clarify ideas, points, ask questions and to listen to others' questions as well.  I just like the reinforcement of what I am learning here.  Although, I draw the line with the woman from Guatemala, who, in very broken, drawn out, heavily accented English wanted to break into a discussion of monthly cycles and miscarriages at it relates to nutrition.  Okay, I'll be in the hall if you need me, nice seeing you all again. Whew.  I know it is important and topical.  They actually do have a class for that....I pointed that out to her on her schedule.  She said....Ooohhh, oakee.  Saved.

The second class and the one I've been waiting two weeks to attend is one called 'Volumetrics'.   It was a discussion on the relationship between calories and volume.  It covered ideas of what makes us satisfied when we eat and how we can put volume into our diets so that our eyes and brain are satisfied before we even start eating.  I think the idea I liked the most was that our bodies do not tell us when we've had too many calories, it will let you consume as many as you like, but the body will tell you when you are full.  The goal is then to bring a lot of food volume to the table, but not necessarily the calories.  This does not mean I need to eat a bag of Rice cakes and be hungry an hour later.  Let's take a tuna sandwich for example.  Normally, I mix it up, slap it on some bread, maybe with a little lettuce or onion, boom mangia.  If I were to volumize the sandwich, I could easily add cut up celery, carrots or whatever and load that into the tuna for the volume.   I can then keep my protein intake at the limit I need, but my body feels full, and will for longer.  Its a little hard to summarize here, as there is so much.  The title was 'Eat More to Lose weight'.  That said, I'm interested.  I'm learning a lot about the calorie density of various foods.  Good stuff that will definitely impact my success at home.

That left me at 2pm with nothing left on the schedule for the day.  A quick Facebook check in, then back to the gym.  I was planning on getting into my strength training, but one of the instructors was leading another person on a tour that I missed my first week that introduced all of the strength machines.  I have been using some of them already in my routine, but there are a ton more and I really wanted to know the correct way to use them for when I'm at home.  It was good.  I did two sets on each machine and felt really good using different muscle groups....look out, my ass is going to drive you ladies time.  hehe.  Actually, you probably have a while to prepare yourselves, but you can never start too early.  My gluts and hammy's

I still couldn't bring myself to stick around for Bingo.  Really?  Bingo?  You are killing me.  Way to lean farther into that nursing home theme....  If you hear me tell you that I played Bingo here, please, punch me in the nose.

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